The Epic Battle
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
The battle that's going on around us is not a political battle, it's a spiritual battle! For the large number of Christians who do not recognize this are doomed to frustration and even fear because much of this battle is invisible. It's a battle fought and fortified by faith as we walk in the Spirit.
Remember what I said two weeks ago, "Over the last 20 years we’ve tried to tame Satan and His demonic den. Many churches across our country are confused about the battle, many believers are looking the other way, and our culture is denying demonic powers. And now we are left with our society that doesn’t blush or blink at sin anymore because it wants God to answers to its deepest, darkest needs."
If you are one of those who believes that America will be rescued by changing the occupant of the White House, or by the election of members of the Republican Party - think again! The battle has been, and remains a battle of good versus evil, light verses darkness, right verses wrong, truth against lies.
Spiritual warfare is not just for charismatic churches, it involves every church that cares about this epic battle! But like so many other things in our churches, we have turned the focus away from this battle going on before us.
Satan comes as an “angel of light.” He’s the master deceiver. He is called the “prince of this world,” the “prince of the power of the air,” the “ruler of darkness,” the “ruler of demons.” And as I stressed on Sunday that Satan is real, and he’s boldly battling for control of this natural world. Satan could care less whether or not we believe in him, because he’s not seeking our recognition, he’s seeking our destruction.
We know that the enemy attacks in a variety of ways. He has infiltrated all areas of our society – not just individual lives, but most of our culture. He uses worldly philosophies to steal souls. If only more believers would open their eyes and see that Satan’s schemes are truly dark and dangerous because of his hellish hate for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
Communism and socialism hate the church. The cults blatantly lie about Jesus Christ. Abortion wants to destroy those “created in the image of God.” Humanism wants to dethrone God. Liberalism wants to water-down the gospel of Christ. Hollywood mocks Jesus. Our educational system is anti-Christ. Ecumenicalism denies the Lordship of Jesus. Can you see it? The enemies of Christ are unified in their hatred!
It's been said, “Jesus divides His friends, and unites His enemies.” The enemies of God are relentless, and very committed. The children of God are divided, confused, and slothful. We need to heed the wisdom of the great patriot Sam Adams who said, “It does not take a majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
It's not too late to change the score of the game! Team Jesus is anointed by a power greater than anything on earth, and it's authorized to impact this world for Jesus. As Satan Sassers we stand up for our Savior and proclaim our message of redemption to the glory of God!
God bless you,
Pastor Dave
The battle that's going on around us is not a political battle, it's a spiritual battle! For the large number of Christians who do not recognize this are doomed to frustration and even fear because much of this battle is invisible. It's a battle fought and fortified by faith as we walk in the Spirit.
Remember what I said two weeks ago, "Over the last 20 years we’ve tried to tame Satan and His demonic den. Many churches across our country are confused about the battle, many believers are looking the other way, and our culture is denying demonic powers. And now we are left with our society that doesn’t blush or blink at sin anymore because it wants God to answers to its deepest, darkest needs."
If you are one of those who believes that America will be rescued by changing the occupant of the White House, or by the election of members of the Republican Party - think again! The battle has been, and remains a battle of good versus evil, light verses darkness, right verses wrong, truth against lies.
Spiritual warfare is not just for charismatic churches, it involves every church that cares about this epic battle! But like so many other things in our churches, we have turned the focus away from this battle going on before us.
Satan comes as an “angel of light.” He’s the master deceiver. He is called the “prince of this world,” the “prince of the power of the air,” the “ruler of darkness,” the “ruler of demons.” And as I stressed on Sunday that Satan is real, and he’s boldly battling for control of this natural world. Satan could care less whether or not we believe in him, because he’s not seeking our recognition, he’s seeking our destruction.
We know that the enemy attacks in a variety of ways. He has infiltrated all areas of our society – not just individual lives, but most of our culture. He uses worldly philosophies to steal souls. If only more believers would open their eyes and see that Satan’s schemes are truly dark and dangerous because of his hellish hate for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
Communism and socialism hate the church. The cults blatantly lie about Jesus Christ. Abortion wants to destroy those “created in the image of God.” Humanism wants to dethrone God. Liberalism wants to water-down the gospel of Christ. Hollywood mocks Jesus. Our educational system is anti-Christ. Ecumenicalism denies the Lordship of Jesus. Can you see it? The enemies of Christ are unified in their hatred!
It's been said, “Jesus divides His friends, and unites His enemies.” The enemies of God are relentless, and very committed. The children of God are divided, confused, and slothful. We need to heed the wisdom of the great patriot Sam Adams who said, “It does not take a majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
It's not too late to change the score of the game! Team Jesus is anointed by a power greater than anything on earth, and it's authorized to impact this world for Jesus. As Satan Sassers we stand up for our Savior and proclaim our message of redemption to the glory of God!
God bless you,
Pastor Dave
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