What's Great About America?
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance." Psalm 33:12
America is the most blessed, the most liberated, and most respected republic in existence. It was founded 248 years ago to be an oasis of goodness and righteousness to morally bankrupt nations. Our country was envisioned by our founding fathers to be an experiment that was truly unique in the world, and to be the best hope for the world. By making sacrifices for America, by willing to die for her, and able to speak up for her, we are binding ourselves to invisible cords of liberty and justice for all. The great patriots who have fought for the ideals of this country over the years, have helped preserved our nation along with the providence of God. From Yorktown to Gettysburg, from Europe to the Pacific, American soldiers have proven themselves worthy of the blessings of freedom. By defeating Islamic terrorism, defeating the wickedness of antisemitism, and defeating communism over the decades, we have protected the American way of life displayed so brilliantly in our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. History will view America as a great gift only if she continues to be a light of truth for the world to see. America has been a true gift for every American and all of us must preserve and cherish her! We are great because we are blessed by God. We are great because our love for God’s truth – the Bible. We are blessed because the Church has been a beacon of blessings to its communities. We are blessed because we’ve taken seriously the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Those words have challenged Americans to contribute to this great experience of freedom over the years. As it’s been wisely said before, “We must never see America as a cow to be milked, but a bulldog to be fed!” Let’s not forget that words have made America great. There are certain words that have echoed our greatness. Especially the words that make up such defining documents as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Gettysburg Address, and the Emancipation Proclamation. Those words perfectly proclaim, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This fourth of July, as we celebrate 248 years of liberty, we need to take into account what the next 20 years will bring to our country. May we hold firmly to the traditional values that have framed this nation powerfully. May we proclaim boldly our dependence on God’s blessings rather than government’s blessings! May we never forget that character and integrity are indestructible qualities that keep America great! And that freedom of religion and speech are indispensable virtues that keep America great. May God bless America! Pastor Dave |
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