When Everyone Is Shouting

"Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations..." Psalm 119:89-90

Bill Klem (pictured) was one of major league baseball’s most famous umpire. When he stood behind the plate, he was in charge of everything. He was the unquestioned authority, and you didn’t challenge his word. He had a way of looking combative managers straight in the eye and backing them right into the dugout!
On one occasion, it was the ninth inning of a critical game. The batter hit the ball to left field and the runner on third ran for the plate with the potential winning run. The catcher crouched to make the tag. There was a fierce collision with the catcher, the runner, and the umpire all knocked to the ground. Everyone eagerly awaited the decision. In one dugout the players screamed, “He’s safe!" In the other dugout the players shouted, “He’s out!” The fans were in an uproar.
In the midst of all the noise and chaos, Bill Klem stood up, looked directly into the stands, raised his fist and shouted, “He ain’t nothing’ until I’ve called it!” Bill Klem was the authority on the baseball field and nobody was going to take that away from him!
We live in a day of spiritual and moral confusion. Some claim, “This is the way to live!” Others say, “No, this is the way!” Many more claim, “There’s no one way to live; each person must choose his own way!” Philosophers, educators, sociologists, psychologists, politicians, and even pastors offer their speculations about how we should live. But what we need is not more speculation, but a sure Word of authoritative revelation that tells us why we’re on this planet and how we should live in light of God's purpose for each of our lives. God is the only perfect authority for our lives!
What we need is a sure Word from God. If the sovereign God has spoken, and He has, then some may shout one thing and some may shout something else, but the only assessment that really matters is what God declares. If God calls it, that settles it! We must lay aside our speculations and submit to what He says. The world calls us a failure, but the Word calls us forgiven. The world rejects us, but the Word renews us. The world condemns us to shame, but the Word calls us to repentance. Are we listening more to the world or the Word?
Our culture would do well to stop listening to all the voices that demand our attention, and tune into God’s Word that can lift life’s burdens, and stop life’s endless drift away from His blessing. God’s Word is a gift to us that heals our contaminated conscience and our conflicted character!
God bless you!
Pastor Dave

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