A Divine Downpour

“Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence…” Isaiah 64:1

"America In Critical Condition!"

That could easily be the headline in newspapers around the world! And although our country is in a spiritual crisis and political chaos, I still believe in the God who revives dead things, because with God there’s always hope!
Our nation desperately needs to take the first step in acknowledging that God is our only hope by confessing, “Oh, that You would open heaven.” And then recognize Jesus’ challenging words, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Sadly today, we’ve forgotten that literally Jesus said, “Blessed are the beggars.” You see, it all comes down to Americans acknowledging our spiritual breakdown before there can be a national breakout!
I firmly believe that history teaches us that every time America has been at the end of her rope, she found hope in God! Whether it was the desperate years of the Revolutionary War, the moral failure regarding slavery, the dark days of World War II, the frightening terrorist attacks of 9/11, Americans looked up for a divine downpour!
To truly receive from God there must be desperation in our confession, “God, come down!” Instead of becoming fearful over the desperate condition in our country, we can use desperation to steer us closer to God. I heard the perfect line in a song last week, “God blessed the broken road that led me straight to You.”
It's not too late to ask God to come down like rain on parched soil, or like a mighty river rushing through barren land. When God opens the heavens we can expect a downpour of blessings that restores, replenishes, and revives our nation’s brokenness. The desperately high number of people suffering with depression, fearfulness, confusion, and anxiety are consumed with feeling dead and dry! But never give up because we have a promise that we can claim, “God, come down.”
We can’t get too proud to cry out to God. It’s time to redirect our attention away from all the worldly solutions to the pain and problems we face as a nation and cry out to God for a refreshing downpour of healing!

Think about this – the difference between a little rain and a massive downpour is like a farmer throwing down a few seeds versus planting a huge crop. Or like a small spring running calmly down the hill versus a downpour that causes a dam to burst.
When a downpour hits, it disrupts everything, and this is exactly what America needs – a massive divine disruption of our attitudes, agendas, and attention! “Oh, that You would rip open the heavens.” God, our nation, families, and churches need You! We desperately need a divine downpour!
Interesting that politicians always promise change. So how's that going? In my view, not well. America, it’s time for real change that we can really count on! And that can only happen with God - He's the greatest change agent!
God bless you,
Pastor Dave

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