My Season of Life

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful."
2 Timothy 4:7

At my season of life, I thought as the old gospel song says, "My strongest trials now have passed, my race is nearly run," was my song. But I could not have been more wrong.

There are so many stories in the Bible of those who accepted their mission, but with that comes the "mantle," then comes great responsibility and much training. It's like a battlefield with lots of scrapes and bruises, broken bones, and wounded hearts.

I could choose to go sit in the corner and read my Bible and watch Christian TV and be just as saved. But God's call is so strong that I would surely die of a broken heart if I chose to do so.

The following article is for any disciple of Jesus who feels the same way. I didn't write this but I felt it!

"Your calling is going to crush you. If you are called to mend the brokenhearted, you are going to wrestle with a broken heart. If you are called to heal God's little ones, you are going to experience your own share of trauma.

If you're called to the lost and broken of this world - the throw aways, or to preach and teach the gospel, you will be sifted for the wisdom that anoints your message.

If you are called to empower, your self-esteem will be attacked - your successes will be hard fought.

Your calling will come with spiritual warfare and a sifting - both are necessary for your mantle to be authentic, humble, and powerful.

Your crushing won’t be easy because your assignment is not easy - and you can't minister powerfully what you haven't already walked out in your life."

When you feel the weight of life coming down on you, run to the Father who longs to be your comfort. Let Him whisper your true identity over you while resting under the shadow of his wings. Position yourself close to His heartbeat. Let Him renew your strength and set your eyes forward.

Remember, no olives, no oil.
No grapes, no wine.
Your oil is not cheap, my friend!

God bless you,

Deb McClellan

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