The Everyday Lie

“I rejoice in the Lord greatly…I have learned to be content...both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:10-13

Happiness is like Chinese food – it’s filling for about an hour and then you’re hungry again! But contentment is like a delicious steak dinner – it’s filling until the next day!

Everyday people wake up thinking they are happy but then quickly face the reality that there is no meaning in another morning, and they are still carrying the perpetual ache of emptiness deep inside their hearts and minds. It’s an everyday lie that most people believe!

“Everybody is happy” is a lie! Many times, we think that we are the only ones struggling. We also think that everyone has it better than us. Not true! Everyone struggles.

“People who spend all their time trying to make money, spend all their money trying to make time. Don’t do this to yourself. Remind yourself that the richest human isn’t the one who has the most, but the one who needs less. Wealth is a mindset.” – Mark Hack

Chasing happiness is like chasing the wind! But contentment follows us everywhere we go as David said, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

Would you agree that life is far from easy? Life can be scary at times! When a virus stares at you with its threat, when the job market glares at you with hopelessness, and when the bank account cares little about your situation – there must be an answer! And there is!

Contentment is the real deal because Christ is the real deal!

Three important points from our verses that the apostle Paul wants us to get: 1) contentment is a discipline that’s developed through spiritual growth, 2) resting in contentment is as good as resting in Christ’s power – we need to experience contentment as power, 3) contentment is not determined by our outcome, that’s left up to God because we trust a caring God! That’s a very freeing thought.

Happiness is a word that is connected to what circumstance happens to us, but contentment is connected to Christ and His sovereignty over His children. When happiness is the driver of your life, WHAT can you really trust, WHAT security do you really have? But when the God of life, power, and love is the driver of your life, WHO can you trust in ALL circumstances?

Paul says in Romans 8:28, “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God.” Doesn’t that bring a fresh understanding, and sense of excitement to contentment?

I came upon a great illustration that helps us get it. A farmer’s son said, “One of my father’s old cows gives good milk, but she sure can be dumb! She has a whole field in which to feed, yet no grass seems quite as tasty as those patches outside her own pasture. I often see her stretching her head through the fence, while right behind her is everything she needs—excellent grazing land, beautiful shade trees, and a refreshing stream. What more could she want?”

Many people live their lives just like that old cow! They think the “grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Let’s make sure that we are not grasping at satisfaction without Christ or searching for purpose in all the wrong places! If you are a Christian, the greatest blessings in life are already yours! Heaven is your home, God is your Father, He’s promised never to leave you, and He will supply your every need. How green is the grass on your side of the fence?

God bless you,

Pastor Dave

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