Crumbling Culture

Oct 22, 2024    Pastor Dave Kinney

“Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and through many tribulations that we enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22

Our culture is at the point of crumbling! Our country is struggling to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies! Sadly, America is now slipping on a seriously dangerous slope that could lead to her destruction. Because of abortion we are failing to protect the most vulnerable among us, because of our sexual rebellion we’ve created gender confusion, and because of dysfunctional politicians we have increasingly dysfunction laws.

Our country is now sinking into a Roman-era paganism in which the culture practiced the most insane behaviors known to man. It's been said of our country, “Darkness is overtaking our culture. The culture of death is fast upon us.”

We have become a culture of death because of abortion, we have become a culture of confusion because of an ungodly sexuality, we have become a culture of compromise because of relativism, and we’ve become a culture of idolatry because of materialism.

America stands at a crossroads politically, religiously, economically, and socially. And this election in just two weeks will determine the direction of our country for years to come.

Did you know that if Christians voted according to a biblical worldview, this nation could drastically correct itself in a very short time? Did you now that a biblical worldview was what birthed this nation over 270 years ago? And did you know that a biblical worldview was what made America exceptional for all these years?

While we will never have flawless candidates that run for any office in the land, but we can compare their flaws up against a flawless biblical worldview and see which candidate's policies and principles come the closest to God’s standards.

For the next two weeks, believers all over our nation need to approach this election with the following mindset.

Pray. The Bible tells us to pray about everything and not to be anxious. And if we pray, God will guard our hearts and give us peace. If we pray for our leaders I believe that God will give us wisdom and discernment. We should pray for God’s will as we cast our vote.

Believe for a positive influence. When things seem dark, discouragement knocks at the door! But just remember that God does some of His great work in stressful times. It’s when we are at our weakest, He is working the strongest! Yes, these are desperate days, but remember what God’s minority can do in the face of the devil’s majority.

Lastly, commit to sharing what a mighty God we have. Listen, if we give up on the power of God then we will give in to Satan’s schemes! Whenever we hear disheartening news remember that God is still our Way Maker! 

Yes, there are many things we cannot control about the direction of our culture, but we can control our response. So let’s pray, believe for a positive influence, and commit to sharing what a mighty God we have!

God bless you as you vote! 

Pastor Dave