Spiritual Warfare of Christmas

Dec 18, 2022    Pastor Dave Kinney

Christmas is really D-D-Day = Devil Destroying Day! I, like you, love the Christmas season with all its sentimental appeal. But as we are going to see, the first Christmas was anything but sentimental – in fact it was scary! It was a time of great hardships, urgent travel in the 9th month of pregnancy, no room at the inn, fleeing dangerously to Egypt, and a madman on a hunt to murder 2-year-old babies – that first Christmas was far from sentimental, it was dare right scary. It’s as though Satan, knowing that God was up to something amazing, was trying to destroy His great work with all the weapons in his arsenal.

The spiritual warfare that took place on the first Christmas will never make it on a Hallmark Christmas card, it’s the deeper message of Christmas. It’s hidden, but true picture of what was going on that dramatic and fateful day!