A More Serious Supply Chain Crisis
We are all experiencing the effects of what has been called a “supply chain crisis.” Because of a lack of political leadership, lingering pandemic issues, and labor shortages, factories are struggling to get supplies out. And even if they get their supplies out, now we have loaded cargo ships waiting offshore that can't be unloaded fast enough.
And so with all these problems, it’s amazing to walk through our favorite stores and literally see many of their shelves empty.
While these are inconveniences, let’s remember that there are still several billion people around the world who have a more serious emptiness – their hearts are empty of the love and grace of God!
Do you still remember when your heart was empty of the fullness of God? How did you feel? Do you still remember when your heart was full of God’s love? The apostle John wrote, “From His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.” We must never forget how our lives were impacted by God’s love!
The days that we are living in calls for radical action to get as many hearts filled with the love of God. Our lives in Christ exist to bring the great news of salvation to others. According to Jesus Film Project’s Multigenerational Survey on Evangelism found that only 4% of believers shared their testimony in 2019. That’s not good!
While CPR is radical action for someone struggling to live, using the acronym CPR, let’s look at 3 ways we can start sharing our faith to people who are dead in their sins.
Caring about the lostness of others is where we start. Our hearts should break over the emptiness that consumes lostness. We need to have sensitive hearts towards others who need to experience God’s salvation.
Prayer is the most powerful tool in really caring about others. How many times during the week do we really spend in intercessory prayer for our lost friends and family? I really believe that through prayer, God impacts our hearts and inspires our thinking when it concerns caring for others. Think of it this way – our feet will move a whole lot faster after we pray!
Rely on the Holy Spirit to embolden us to share our story with others. He will put steel in our backbone and boldness in our words so we can stand before our family and friends sharing our story of salvation.
Yes, it’s inconvenient to experience empty shelves in stores, but it’s inconceivable that people should experience empty hearts on earth and lostness for eternity because Christians, who have the gospel, can’t start with CPR to reach the unsaved!
God bless you,
Pastor Dave